School Presidents and Vice Presidents

What are School Presidents?

School Presidents lead student representation in each academic school and are in place to represent all students regardless of course or level.

Presidents play an essential role in capturing student voice and providing student feedback in the right places by:

What are School Vice-Presidents?

Vice Presidents represent the student voice in each of the Schools disciplines’ and provide an important link between the Class Representative and the School President, by being aware of, and capturing what is happening in their discipline’s learning environments.

Vice Presidents play an essential role in ensuring that:

School President Training


February Academic Report from your School Presidents

February Academic Report from your School Presidents Table of Contents School Presidents Update DJCAD With elections coming up and the NSS survey in full swing it has been a month full of promotion and trying to increase engagement. The best thing to happen this month was the confirmation of plans

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VPA February Academic Report

February has been an eventful month as we continue to extend unwavering support to students facing academic challenges, in collaboration with our dedicated advice team.

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In the Heart of Health Sciences

The School of Health Sciences has a key role in our local community in a simple way, primarily by sending us prepared for placement with tools to promote health and help the public when they are most vulnerable.

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Leading in Life Sciences

My primary inspiration for becoming School President, aside from my wish to continue engaging in student representation and taking it to another level, was the fact that many of my friends, classmates and lecturers said I was the right person for the role and that I should go for it.

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Empowering Tomorrow’s Dentists

The dental school has recently undergone renovations across most of the student clinics, giving us access to modern equipment that allows us to learn and treat patients in the best environment possible.

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What are School Presidents?

The office of School President is one of the most important positions within the student representation system. School Presidents are vital student stakeholders who work to enhance the student experience – they are the leaders of their school’s overall student voice. Each of the eight academic schools elects a student to take on this senior role every year, with the elections being held alongside the DUSA executive elections.

The Presidents sit on each School’s key committees and work with the senior management team on a range of subjects, projects and priorities. This includes creating a School Partnership Action Plan (SPAP) each year with the Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching, which sets out a range of goals which they work towards completing. Presidents also have direct access to the Dean of the School, meaning they can vocalise any student feedback at the very top of the school management system.

As lead representatives, School Presidents have a vast network of students and staff to work and connect with. They are supported by a committee of Vice-Presidents, each of whom have oversight of their respective disciplines. The VPs carry out similar duties and help link School Presidents to the Class Rep group. School Presidents also sit on a School Presidents Forum, meaning they frequently liaise with the DUSA Vice President of Representation. The Forum sometimes invites members of the University Executive Group to attend, giving the Presidents access to the most influential officials within university.

School Presidents also work closely with the DUSA Executive and attend Students’ Representative Council (SRC) as a sitting member for that year. The role of School President may be demanding at times, but it is an incredibly rewarding position like no other. A successful post-holder will be able to execute their role whilst balancing other commitments, particularly their studies or part-time work. The opportunities and platforms they are given within the university framework are arguably endless. School Presidents gain immense experience in leadership, advocacy, networking, and project management. The skills and connections they pick up during the post will be invaluable for whatever career they go on to pursue. The role of School President is front-facing and multifaceted, which is why DUSA, and University staff, always ensure they are offered support and advice whenever they wish.

What are School Vice-Presidents?

The position of Vice-President is an important role within your School and they lead representation at the level of discipline or theme.

Vice-Presidents ensure that there is strong communication between the Class Reps and the School President. This allows both the School President and the Class Rep group to know what’s going on at all times.

The Vice-President (VP) also acts as the School Presidents support team. They work with them to complete priorities from the School Partnership Action Plan (SPAP) as well as carry out other important functions, such as leading on specific projects or deputising for the School President if they cannot attend meetings.

Depending on the School, the VP also chairs the Student-Staff Liaison Committee and this is a vital role in ensuring that the meeting is productive and there is a strong partnership between Class Reps and staff.

If you are interested in find out more about this position you can download the job description below.

Job Description

School Vice president Job Description 2020

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Vice President Recruitment Presentation

Job Description

School Vice president Job Description 2020

Dundee Plus

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Reflective Report

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Vice President Recruitment Presentation