Keeping Safe

We are committed to doing everything we can to keep you safe during your time at University


The night bus will not operate for the week commencing Monday 10th February* 

The bus runs 7 nights a week:

Monday to Friday: 8pm to 12am
Sunday: 8pm to 11pm

We will provide as much notice as possible if there are any changes to the schedule.

We operate your Night Bus service during term time to help you get home safely whether you’ve been studying or partying.

This picks up outside the Premier at DUSA on Balfour Street.

Insert your email below to subscribe for nightbus updates.

Track the DUSA Night Bus with SafeZone

The SafeZone app has a new feature to help you get home safely – you can now track the DUSA Night Bus in real-time directly through the app.

The SafeZone app offers:

· Emergency alerts and quick access to University Security.

· A check-in function for those working alone or outside normal hours.

· And now, the ability to see exactly where the DUSA Night Bus is.

Download SafeZone today to stay safe, stay informed, and never miss the bus.


DUSA have teamed up with City Taxis to make sure you get home safe and sound, even if you have run out of money.

Give your matriculation card to the driver and they will drop you home.  The taxi driver will then leave your card at DUSA reception for you to collect and pay for the fare.  Terms and conditions apply.  To find out more, ask at DUSA Reception.

Zero Tolerance To Harassment And Discrimination

Our Zero Tolerance policy is our pledge to stand against any and all forms of harassment and discrimination. This includes any sexual harassment, racism, bullying, or threatening or intimidating behaviour. All those who violate the policy face severe disciplinary action. If you have witnessed anything you believe constitutes a breach of this, please get in touch with us now.

Hate Crime 3rd Party Reporting Scheme

Hate crime is when someone is targeted because of their age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or variation in sexual characteristics.

If you have been the victim of a hate crime, you can report this to the Police.  However, sometimes you might not feel comfortable with going directly to the Police and may prefer to report the incident to someone more familiar.

DUSA is a Hate Crime 3rd Party Reporting Centre – this means you can speak to us about what happened and we can report the crime on your behalf.

Find out more about the scheme at Police Scotland.

Further information on Hate Crime can be found here.

Safety Tips

Our top tips for keeping yourself safe wherever you are.

Online safety

The internet can be a great place, especially for connecting with others and socialising out with university life. Here are some tips on keeping safe when online:

Contact Our Advice & Support Team