Sabbatical Full-time Role – Over £19,000 Annual Salary
The role of President is critical to student representation on campus. If elected, you have the responsibility to lead the Student Executive team and be the main spokesperson for them. This means that you are not only the face of DUSA, but you will actively drive its direction.
Sabbatical Full-time Role – Over £19,000 Annual Salary
The Vice President of Academia is the lead representative for the academic experience at the University. The remit of this role includes learning and teaching, quality and academic standards, and employability.
Sabbatical Full-time Role – Over £19,000 Annual Salary
The Vice President of Representation (VPR) takes the lead role in ensuring that the student’s voice is heard through democratic means and processes. If elected, you will ensure representations structures allow all students to have their feedback listened to and acted upon.
Sabbatical Full-time Role – Over £19,000 Annual Salary
The Vice President of Student Wellbeing supports students’ mental, emotional, financial, and housing needs, ensuring their voices are heard and their wellbeing is prioritised.
Essentially, the role of VPF is what you make it, you get to use your skills passions and interests to shape the future of fundraising on campus. Practically this looks like running events and campaigns to raise money for the RAG Charity of the year, chairing RAG Committee meetings and building relationships with the chosen Charity and your RAG Ambassadors.
As VPSA, your primary role is to focus on societies and extra-curriculars, and the bulk of your job will be representing them as a whole across the University. A big part of this will revolve around raising their profile, engaging more students, running campaigns, and working with the Sports Union too.
The Vice President of Community is responsible for social and cultural The Vice President of Community’s responsibility is to improve the community partnerships between students on campus and between DUSA and the wider local community.
Voluntary role
School Presidents work closely with your school’s Vice Presidents, Class Reps and academic staff to ensure representation reaches every level in your School.
This opportunity allows you to achieve change by working with your school on student issues, attending important School meetings and being a voting member of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC).
To run you need to be a registered student of the School you wish to be School President for.
The School President has a range of important tasks that they take on and it is a role that can demand a lot of time and dedication.
Tasks include:
Voluntary role
The Chair of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) not only acts as the facilitator of the Council but ensures that meetings are fair, impartial and an open platform for discussion and debate.
It is the Chair’s duty to ensure that conduct is maintained and SRC councillors work together for the best interest of the students. The Chair assists in the organisation and overall awareness of SRC councillors on campus.
The Chair is also invited to attend DUSA’s Board of Trustees to represent the SRC at Board meetings. Training is also provided to the Chair to undertake the role effectively.
Voluntary role
The Independent Member of Court (IMC) sits on the University Court, the highest governing body at the University of Dundee, providing an independent voice to ensure that the student body’s opinion is being heard.
The IMC works closely with student representatives to collect important feedback about the student experience and applies this knowledge when debating matters at Court meetings.
This position is voluntary and the post holder will undertake its duties alongside their studies. This role also gives them a seat on the Students’ Representative Council, the highest body of student representation at the University of Dundee.
There will be an election for the post of Rector of the University, the current Rector Keith Harris having reached the end of his period of office. The current Rector is eligible to stand in this election for a second period of office.