Cost of living

We're here to help you if you need help managing your money and with getting financial support should you need it

Cost of living update

As part of our commitment to supporting our student community, we want to share an update about the Breakfast Club and Pantry initiative.

Since its inception, our Breakfast Club and Pantry have been a vital lifeline for many of you, helping ease the challenges of the cost-of-living crisis. With the incredible dedication of our volunteers, who have contributed a remarkable 9,539 hours, we have:

  • Served over 54,000 breakfasts
  • Distributed more than 188,000 pantry items


Unfortunately, due to the university’s current financial challenges, they have had to withdraw funding for these services. While this is a challenging setback, we are determined to find new ways to support you.

Together with our student executive team and volunteers, we are exploring alternative measures to continue providing support. We want to hear directly from you. What challenges are you facing? What kinds of support would make the biggest difference to you?

Your insights are invaluable in shaping the next steps. We believe that, together, we can find creative solutions to these challenges and continue building a supportive community at Dundee University.

The Wardrobe

The Wardrobe is a cost-of-living employability initiative based in The Hive to support students in need with suitable clothing for job interviews, placements, and other opportunities. All clothing is free of charge, and can either be kept or returned to The Wardrobe after it has been used.

If you would like to donate some clothes to The Wardrobe, please hand your donations to The Hive during opening hours.

Opening hours:

Monday 1pm-4pm
Tuesday 1pm-4pm
Wednesday 11am-2pm
Thursday 1pm-4pm
Friday 1pm-4pm