Dear students,

Following the deadline for nominations, we have two candidates to be the next Rector.

The Rector is a senior officer of the University elected by students to represent your interests in partnership with the Students’ Association. The Rector is a member of the University’s governing body – the University Court.

At the close of nominations on 10 November 2021 the following valid nominations for Rector were received:

Mike Arnott

Proposed by Jazmine Bennett

Seconded by Andy Harris

Keith Harris

Proposed by Joshua Sutcliffe

Seconded by Laura van Overbeek Crusells

There will now be an election, in which all current students are eligible to vote. We will have more details on that next week, as we are finalising details with DUSA but voting will open on 24 November and the result will be announced on 30 November.

Returning officers for the election are Janice Aitken and Stephen Land.

Voting will be online only at vote.dundee.ac.uk