
Meet Yaa Agyei-Akwa – Vice President of Fundraising

Paving the Path of Giving and Unity

1 September 2023
Yaa Agyei-Akwa

Yaa is a final-year dental student at the University of Dundee, who has taken on the role of Vice President of Fundraising (VPF) within DUSA. Yaa aims to create a positive change in her capacity as VPF. Her primary goal is to inspire a sense of purpose among her fellow students and friends, prompting them to actively participate in Raising and Giving (RAG) activities in support of this year’s chosen charity – CanDu. This is not merely about raising funds; it’s about fostering a collective spirit of empathy and social responsibility. 

Striving for Transformation

She aspires to implement transformative changes leading to student engagement with volunteering initiatives within the local community. She believes by participating in volunteer work, students gain hands-on experiences that nurture qualities like leadership, empathy, and teamwork, which are invaluable in both academic and real-world settings.

As Yaa continues her academic endeavours and manages her role as a VPF, you might find her tapping her toes with her salsa dancing- her way to both relaxation and exhilaration. Feel free to connect with her at vpf@dusa.co.uk

Picture of Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is a web content writer and advice & support officer at DUSA.