
Meet Manaswi Budhathoki – Vice President of Community

Fostering unity and diversity

2 September 2023
Manaswi Budhathoki

Manaswi is a final year English Law student hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Nepal, who is all set to take on the role of Vice President of Community. She is deeply committed to weaving the threads of culture and community together into a harmonious whole, where students from various walks of life come together to learn, grow, and form lasting bonds.

Celebrating diversity and fostering unity

Armed with a passion for social justice and a keen understanding of the power of communication, she steps into her role with a clear vision. As VPC, her foremost goal is to give a resounding voice to the student body. Drawing from her academic background, she aims to create a platform where student concerns are not just heard but genuinely addressed.

She firmly believes that the true strength of any institution lies in its inclusivity and one of her core convictions is that every student should find a place they can call home within our university’s walls,  regardless of their background. With a deeper understanding of the challenges that diverse students often face, Manaswi is determined to ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive. During her term, she plans to enhance cultural awareness, encouraging an environment where every cultural hue is not only acknowledged but celebrated.

One Hoop at a Time: A Fun Fact

While Manaswi’s endeavours are centred around enriching the lives of the student community, she also brings a touch of lightheartedness to the table. A delightful tidbit about her: she once held the impressive title of a 783-round hula hoop record holder when she was just 13 years old! Manaswi is also the vice president of the Boxing club and has a special interest in art and other sports.

As we welcome Manaswi Budhathoki into her new role, we’re excited about the positive changes she’s poised to bring. Feel free to get in touch with her at vpc@dusa.co.uk

Picture of Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is a web content writer and advice & support officer at DUSA.