
Transcript of Martha’s Congratulatory Speech to All Those Nominated in the SLTA Awards:

“Hello, I am Martha Umeh Ude-Eze the Vice President of Academia at DUSA. I want to specially congratulate all the hard work of staff this year and since the onset of the pandemic. On behalf of all students, I would like to say a big thank you. The SLTA was fun to celebrate our amazing staff who make our University outstanding, and evidence can be seen even in these uncertain times, when we all had to adapt to a new system of working and studying.

And our incredible staff have gone the extra mile to support students as well as bringing in various innovative learning approaches and more so looking after our students in different kind ways. Once again, I say congratulations to everyone one of you all deserve to be appreciated and recognised. Well done and keep up the good work, thank you.

Most Inspirational Teacher:

Hari Hundal

Evangelia Fragouli

Sandra Wilson


Innovation in Teaching:

Benjamin Vincent

Matthew Ward

Evangelia Fragouli


Best Assessment and Feedback:

Evangelia Fragouli

Jacques Hartmann

Stephanie Schreven


Best Adviser or Personal Tutor:

Michael Crabb

Paul Smith

Maura Daly


Outstanding Contribution to Student Welfare:

Eddie Valentine

Andrew Mason

Stephen Martin


Outstanding Enhancement of the Student Experience: (Non-teaching)

Scott McGregor

Libby Findlay

Ahmed Hassan Ahmed


Best Postgraduate Supervisor:

Evangelia Fragouli

Sarah McKim

Steven Gellatly


Best Distance Learning Tutor / Adviser:

Martin Skelly

Stephen Reynolds

Hari Hundal


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award:

Margi Vilnay

Jason Hartford

Brian Dempsey


Team Award:

Hari & Team – Phsiology and Pharamacology and Biomembranes Teaching Staff

Rosalyn & Team – PG Medial School Programmes Admin Team

Evangelia & Team – PG Business Management Teaching Staff