DunTea Society Spotlight

DunTea Society Spotlight

DunTea is a society that revolves around meeting new people and bonding over the shared love of… you guessed it, tea! We really value creating a space where students can de-stress from looming uni work deadlines and the dreaded horror of exams, as we know it can be really tough to calm yourself down and let yourself relax, so we hope that you feel very much at home in our society.

SignSoc Spotlight

SignSoc Spotlight

UoD SignSoc aims to teach British Sign Language (BSL) and D/deaf awareness, host social events, and fundraise for local charities with BSL users as well as provide outreach opportunities with local and national charities. Throughout the year we throw pub quizzes,...
Working for Fibre

Working for Fibre

Starting uni can be stressful. There are so many different things to think about. What societies and clubs to join. How you are going to balance your social life with your course work. Which are the best nights to head to the union, and so on. During my first year, I...