Now that exams and deadlines for countless coursework are approaching fast, we need more than ever to have a way to rest and relieve some of the stress we have built up. Some do sports, others do yoga or have some other way to relax, but one of the most relaxing and mentally refreshing exercises is simply reading something casual. Be it a short story, a poem, or anything else that you would enjoy. It does not need to be on the best-seller list, nor does it need to be a classic masterpiece. It simply needs to be something you would enjoy.

Moreover, reading before bed, instead of looking at your phone can improve sleep. The light emitted from smartphones is extremely harmful to the production of melatonin. Reading a book does not have those harmful effects and is way more engaging and interesting!

We all know that a good night’s sleep goes a long way. Having a good sleep cycle and sleeping enough every night will positively affect your cognitive abilities and we all need more of that around this time of the year.

A good way to start your journey into books, if you haven’t started yet, is to come to the International Literature Night that is happening tomorrow! The Dundee University Bulgarian Society has teamed up with the Dundee University Humanities Society and the University of Dundee Mental Health Society to create a literature night, as part of the Minds Matter month, in order to show the positive effects reading can have on mental health.

The event is tomorrow from 7pm in Liar Bar sofa area. Be sure to attend and enjoy a relaxing evening with like-minded individuals.